How to Decorate and Organize Your Laundry Room

Use Refillable Soap Bottles And Decor To Spiff Up Your Laundry Room
Your laundry room probably isn’t your favorite room in the house. It’s a room where we go to accomplish a sometimes exasperating but very necessary task. The laundry room has your washer, dryer, some bottles of detergent, and maybe a shelf or two, if you’re lucky -- and that’s it. Nothing else needed. Right?
While sticking with the basics will definitely allow you to get your laundry done, the basics don’t necessarily add any joy to your day or extra flair to your home. Why shouldn’t your laundry room be an aesthetically pleasing space to occupy just like your living room or bedroom? We spend so much time doing laundry over the course of our lives, we might as well enjoy it!

You don’t have to repaint, tear out the floors or run to the store for decorations. All you have to do is add simple, elegant touches to your laundry room to make it feel more personal and inviting. Just a few simple items will not only make your laundry room feel more joyful, but more polished and organized, as well.
Top Tips for Leveling Up Your Laundry Room Decor
You don’t have to sacrifice the functionality of your laundry room to achieve the perfect aesthetic. Instead, find items that simultaneously look good and make laundry day easier.
Your laundry room doesn’t have to be completely decked out to be decorated. In fact, a more minimalist home decor style works perfectly for any laundry room. When we think laundry, we think clean, crisp, and cozy -- and that’s what your laundry room decor should strive to embody.
If you’re ready to turn your laundry room into a room in your home you love to spend time in, there are a few simple steps you can take to achieve that next level look.

Combine Fashion and Function
There are a few must-have items for any laundry room: your soaps, softeners, and any other products you use for your laundry. It’s easy to think of these items simply as things you need to accomplish a chore -- not a part of your home decor. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! You can upgrade your laundry room decor simply by adding a touch of style to the items you already have.
For example, try placing bottles of laundry detergent on a fashionable tray. This gives your soap bottles a home, while also adding an elegant, but minimalist touch. You’ll have easy access to the supplies you need, but they’ll also be aesthetically pleasing along the way. Try thinking of other unique ways to store or display your laundry products that can turn your laundry room into a beautiful and comfortable space to wash, dry, and fold.
Add a Personal Touch with Soap Dispensers
If you’re tired of generic looking bottles and soap dispensers, try personalizing your very own glass bottle soap dispensers.
Add your name or initials to put your own personal touch on your laundry room or even add a custom label that indicates what’s inside! For example, try swapping out those bulky bottles of generic laundry detergent or softener for elegant, personalized soap dispenser glass bottles with unique labels for each product. Nothing feels more organized than clean, uniform labels for every product you use.
Personalizing the labels of your products makes the laundry room feel more like a unified part of your home, while the bottles themselves will help you breeze easily through every load of laundry!
Replace Disposable Bottles With Reusable Options
In addition to your personalized soap dispenser glass bottles or plastic soap dispensers, you can also switch to reusable bottles for your cleaning products, as well. These bottles offer the option to choose or customize the label, meaning you can have uniform bottles for all of your cleaning products, but still clearly know which bottle contains which product.
Giving your soaps, cleaners, and other products a uniform look and feel will really level up the overall aesthetic of your laundry room. Mismatched generic plastic bottles of products can easily look cluttered and messy. They get the job done, but they’re not necessarily there to add style to your home.
By intentionally swapping out mismatched bottles for clean, minimalist soap dispenser bottles with a modern design, you’ll easily change the entire tone of your laundry room just by changing the packaging of the products you already own. It’s super simple and super effective.

Love Your Laundry Room
Maybe you’re never going to truly love to do laundry, but you can turn your laundry room into a special haven in your house that you enjoy being in and that’s filled with items that make laundry day a little easier.
Small upgrades to your organizational style and your decor can help your laundry room feel less like a room dedicated to chores and more like a fashionable, comfortable part of your home.
Be sure to check out The Polished Jar’s full line of products for more fun and functional home decor ideas.
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