Which Soap Dispenser is Best: Plastic or Glass Soap Dispensers?

Cotton Towel with a The Polished Jar Glass Bottle Soap Dispenser

As a planet, we produce nearly 300 million tons of plastic waste every year. That’s nearly the same weight as the entire human population.

When we first began using plastic, only a small amount was produced, so the problem was fairly manageable. However, over the last few decades, our plastic use has dramatically and rapidly increased.

In fact, researchers estimate that we have now produced more than 8.3 billion tons of plastic since the early 1950s -- and 60% of that plastic has ended up in a landfill or the environment.

The Polished Jar Glass Bottle Soap Dispensers


You might be thinking that we’ve answered our own question before we’ve even begun. Clearly, glass is better than plastic in any context, right?

We’re not saying you have to write off plastic completely. The problem isn’t inherently plastic, it’s that half of the plastic produced is designed to be used only once and then thrown away. It does a lot of environmental harm both in production and after it has served its purpose, but that doesn’t mean we have to eliminate all plastic. We just need to be more careful about how and why we use it.

Single use plastic products are an integral part of our daily lives. One of those daily uses is soap dispensers. We’ve all purchased a bottle of hand soap from the grocery or drug store that’s ultimately been tossed in the garbage as soon as it’s empty.

That’s why one of the best ways to do your part for the environment is to make the switch to reusable items wherever possible. 

Amber Plastic Bottle Soap Dispenser


Lucky for you, there exists a wide variety of both glass and plastic reusable soap dispensers to choose from and many reasons why either type might be the right choice for you.

Interior decor, lifestyle, and personal preferences can all play an important role in choosing the best soap dispenser for your bathroom or kitchen. We’re here to help you make that choice so you can begin to fill your home with reusable products. The environment will thank you for your efforts in reducing the amount of single use plastic products we produce worldwide every day!

Benefits of Plastic Soap Dispensers

We know we just gave you a whole lecture about the dangers of plastic, but it definitely still has its place and purpose in our lives. You can responsibly use plastic products by investing in reusable plastic soap bottles that can be refilled with soap over and over again!

There are a few reasons you might opt for plastic soap dispensers over glass soap dispensers.

  • If you have pets or children, plastic can be a safe alternative to glass.
  • It won’t shatter when dropped or knocked over, eliminating the safety hazard of broken glass.
  • Plastic also offers a lighter option for those who need lighter weight objects in their home for increased mobility.
  • Take a look at our gorgeous child friendly line of plastic soap dispensers.
The Polished Jar Plastic Bottle Soap Dispensers on Bath Tub Caddy

Picture Credit @melissarobertsinteriors on IG 

Additionally, if you plan to move often or need to take the bottles with you, plastic soap dispensers won’t weigh you down. They won’t add unnecessary weight to moving boxes or travel packs.

In general, plastic also comes in a wider range of colors than glass, so this might be important if you’re looking for an exact match to your home decor.

Benefits of Glass Soap Bottles

On the other hand, you can’t go wrong with a traditional glass soap dispenser. Glass is sturdy, elegant, and matches nearly any design in any home. If you know you’ll use them for many years to come, solid glass soap bottles are reliable and long lasting.

You can also swap out the pumps on top of the glass bottles to mix and match the aesthetic you’re looking for, depending on your mood or your room. Glass has a more modern or minimalist feel, so it’s great for those looking for clean lines and simple colors and textures. 

The Polished Jar Glass Bottle Soap Dispenser

And, if you’re wanting to be even more environmentally conscious beyond just opting for reusable, glass production is much better for the environment than plastic production, which contributes heavily to non-renewable resource consumption.

Reusable Soap Bottles That You Design

If you’re wanting to put even more personal touches on the soap dispenser of your choice, The Polished Jar offers both monogrammed and personalized dispensers in both glass and plastic, so that you can completely design the right reusable product for you. 

Glass Bottle | Custom Personalized Signature Collection Soap Dispensers

Whether you choose plastic or glass, the important part is that you’re investing in a reusable product that helps to limit the amount of plastic waste we put into the environment each day. All you have to do is choose the bottle that feels and looks right for you and your home! The benefits of each material are completely dependent on the needs and preferences of each person, but both make an excellent addition to any home!

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